Forum Track 2021



What is a forum ? In parallel with the scientific sessions, a forum track is scheduled during this event to address the interactions between science, public organizations, industry and decision-makers on hot topics of the geospatial community. The forum will not be a place to make research presentations (which is the scope of the technical sessions organized by the ISPRS commissions), but a proper place to address the impact of innovations and the role that our community could play in this changing context for « building a better future together » by providing collective visions and/or roadmaps. 


Thursday 8 July 2021   13:00 – 15:00 (GMT +2)

Towards Transformational Change: Potential Contributions of ISPRS and the Role of the Youth in Sustainable Development

Organizers : ISPRS Congress: Dr. Laurent Polidori, ISPRS SC: Sheryl Rose Reyes, Nicolas Pucino and Laxmi Thapa, UNEP: Adele Roccato, Sharif Shawky and Pierre Boileau

The Global Environment Outlook 6 for Youth (GEO-6 Youth Report) is the first fully interactive e-publication from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), written by 28 young authors from around the world for youth to inform, engage, educate and lead youth towards environmental action. The report covers the current state of the planet, sustainable development, green jobs and how the youth can bring transformative change for the environment. 

The ISPRS Student Consortium (ISPRS SC) is the representation of the youth to ISPRS, which is the target audience of the GEO6 Youth report. The fields of remote sensing, photogrammetry and spatial information science hold a lot of potential in helping the general public, particularly the youth, in understanding the global challenges that we face today. The youth is the future of ISPRS and by bringing these important issues for discussion and reflection, we can define the possible contributions of our scientific community in addressing the global challenges and help in building a healthier, more sustainable planet for all.

The Programme is HERE

If you wish to participate in this Forum, please click here


Friday 9 July 2021    08:00 – 11:00 (GMT +2)   15:00 – 18:00 (GMT +2)

Geo for Pandemics

Forum organized within the framework of the XXIVth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), 2021 edition (digital) by the working group ICWG III/IVc on Environment and Health.

Forum Chair: Prof. Fazlay Faruque, Chair ICWG III/IVc “Environment and Health”

The forum “Geo for Pandemics” will be the subject of intense and inspiring presentations and panel discussions mixing experts from various levels and communities, who will give ideas and suggestions about:

  1. a) how the utilization of Earth observation resources and geospatial technologies could be promoted to more effectively address health emergencies, like the current COVID-19 pandemic, 
  2. b) how space agencies, international organizations, and health professionals (including scientists and clinicians) can synergistically work together to improve human wellbeing and health.

All participants are requested to provide written ideas and suggestions as well as ask questions.   

The forum will lead to a written synthesis of the views and recommendations of the ISPRS community concerning the respective topics, to guide the role of ISPRS as a scientific society in a complex world by providing roadmaps for the next term.

The Programme is HERE

If you wish to participate in this Forum, please click here