
Everything you need to know on submission process, review, proceedings and program


Submission process


Q: What are the main deadlines?

A: They are available here: www.isprs2020-nice.com/index.php/program/#keydates


Q: Can I have a deadline extension ?

A: The deadline was extended to the 6th of February, 23:59 (GMT+1).


Q: Is there a template for abstract and full papers ?

A: Yes, it can be found here: https://www.isprs.org/documents/orangebook/app5.aspx. Basically, this is the full paper template that can be derived for abstracts, ideally keeping only the ‘Abstract’ section (single or double columns).


Q: Should an abstract by anonymous ?

A: No, it should not be.


Q: Should a full paper by anonymous ?

A: Yes, it should. Otherwise, your paper will be rejected without any review.


Q: How many papers can I submit ?

A: There is no limit for the number of submissions per submitter and per co-author. However, there is a limit on the registration level: one presented paper should correspond to one registration fee. If there is no corresponding registration for a given paper, it will not be included in the ISPRS Annals or in the ISPRS Archives.


Q: Where should I submit my paper ?

A: It should be submitted here: https://www.conftool.com/isprs2020/index.php. More details are available here: http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/index.php/guidelines/


Q: In which track should I submit my paper ?

A: There are five main tracks (TCI -> TCV). Select the most appropriate one, according to their terms of reference, available here: http://www2.isprs.org/commissions.html


Q: I have an invited paper. Where should I submit it ?

A: You have to use Conftool. Then, select the track with the appropriate name. If you do not know it, please ask the person that invited you.


Q: What is the maximal size for paper submission ?

A: It is 40MB (PDF only), including supplementary material.


Q: Can I get my quota increased for the size of paper submission from 40MB to something higher?

A: No, it is not possible.


Q: Where can I add supplementary material ?

A: Supplementary material can be either (i) additional results provided as PDF stacked in the same PDF as the regular paper, after the reference section or (ii) a short video (url provided in the submission form). More details here: http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/index.php/guidelines/.


Q: Why should I provide supplementary material ?

A: Supplementary inputs allows you to better illustrate your work under limited regular paper length constraint (data presentation, additional results, proofs, etc.). It will first help you convince the reviewers how valid and valuable your work is. Secondly, it will make you more eligible for long oral sessions at the congress.


Q: How can I make videos ?

A: We provide you a short introduction on how to make videos here


Q: What is ISPRS policy on dual submissions ?

A: By submitting a paper, the authors acknowledge that it has not been previously submitted in a similar shape in any peer reviewed conference. Besides, no similar paper can be submitted to another conference during the review period. Violation of these conditions leads to rejection. The submission to non peer reviewed public repositories like arXiv is nevertheless allowed. The definition of a ”similar shape” is based on the ISPRS policy on preprints in public repositories: https://www.isprs.org/documents/orangebook/app4.aspx


Q: Does a Technical Report (arXiv, etc.) available online count as a prior publication?

A: No it does not.


Q: Does a document on GitHub or other open repositories count as a prior publication?

A: No it does not.


Q: Is code submission required?

A: No, it is optional. If provided, authors should make the effort to anonymize the submitted code (names, institutions, licence). For instance, anonymous github links are possible, on branches that will not be modified after the deadline.


Review process


Q: Is the ISPRS review process confidential ?

A: Yes, area chairs and reviewers are asked to keep every paper as confidential documents. They are not allowed to distribute regular papers and supplementary material. Sub-reviewing is possible but is subject to the acceptance of area chairs.


Q: Are ISPRS 2020 reviews single blind or double blind ?

A: Abstract reviewing is single blind while full paper reviewing is double blind.


Q: How are papers evaluated ?

The evaluation sheet is composed of two main parts: (1) an overall recommendation score (50% of the total), and (2) a list of five criteria (50% of the total), for which each reviewer should provide a score and a detailed evaluation. All criteria are of similar importance: innovation, scientific formulation, experiments and validation, relevance, presentation. More details are available here: https://www.isprs-ann-photogramm-remote-sens-spatial-inf-sci.net/IV-5/53/2018/isprs-annals-IV-5-53-2018.pdf


Q: Is there any rebuttal phase once reviews are provided?

A: No, the reviews are provided with the acceptance status (accept or reject).


Proceedings and program


Q: Should I submit a full paper if my abstract is accepted ?

A: Yes, you have to prepare a full paper for April 13rd, 2020, following the ISPRS template. Without camera-ready paper, your paper will not be published in the ISPRS Archives and will not be recorded as a paper accepted at the ISPRS 2020 Congress.


Q: Should I re-submit my full paper once it has been accepted ?

A: A camera-ready paper should be submitted before May 4th, 2020. Optimally, it includes corrections/refinements that take into account the remarks of the reviewers.


Q: Can I submit supplementary material with my camera-ready paper ?

A: Yes, it is encouraged to submit (i) supplementary material as additional content in the camera-ready PDF file and (ii) short videos explaining your work. It will help us designing the final program (see below). The same deadline applies (February 3rd, 2020).


Q: Which kind of format is proposed during the Congress ?

A: We propose three types of formats: (i) long oral sessions (15-18 minutes each), (ii) short oral sessions (7-10 minutes each), (iii) posters with an interactive presentation (3-5 minutes each). The International Program Committee will decide on April 2020, based on the results of the review process and the supplementary material provided on April 13rd with the camera-ready paper (see above).